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Donald Trump maintains plan to deport three million immigrants

Donald Trump maintains plan to deport three million immigrants

United States president-elect, Donald Trump is not reneging on his campaign promises to deport illegal immigrants in the country.

Trump, in an excerpt released ahead of broadcast by CBS’s 60 Minutes program, said he intends to deport as many as two to three million immigrants who have criminal records.

“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million — we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” he said in his first primetime interview since being elected president last week.

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Part of the bombastic Republican’s campaign also centered on building a barrier against Mexicans and he maintains the idea is also going to be actualised, though fencing may not be used in all areas across the border.

“There could be some fencing,” he says. “But (for) certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I’m very good at this, it’s called construction.”

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