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5 reasons you need an entertainment lawyer

5 reasons you need an entertainment lawyer

Article by Timilehin Adeyeba, originally for NET

In recent times, there have been several cases of friction between artistes and their record labels this has resulted in quite an amount of litigation in courts across the country.

Since Lagos is heartbeat of the entertainment industry in Nigeria, an increasing number of cases are being witnessed there.

Lawyers ensure you’re protected when signing contracts.

It can be heartbreaking when one sees talented entertainers and creative minds expose themselves to business vulnerabilities by signing unfavorable agreements with Management companies. This usually happens because the new artiste is desperate to break into music scene.

Entertainment Management companies are businesses and are set up to maximize return on their investments.

The collision of interests between companies and artists often result in long-term friction and breakdown of business relationships. Thus it is very important for entertainers to be very wary of the types of contracts they sign on to.

Contractual agreements must be well scrutinized with the help of experienced professionals in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Artists often fail to understand that the Entertainment Business is a very serious business which has its rules, policies, orders and rituals.

Negation of these Rules and orders could affect a promising music career. An entertainer that signs bad contracts could end up being denied performances, airplay, promotions and being put out of contact with the fan base. Such an entertainer may end up spending more time at the Court of Law than in the recording studio.

The easiest way for the entertainer to avoid this potential mishap is to focus on self-development and orientation about the business side of the entertainment trade.

There are a couple of advantages in engaging the services of an Entertainment lawyer and they are listed below.

1. Entertainment Lawyers Protect Your Creative Rights

As an aspiring artist in any medium, your initial focus is often getting your first “break” in the industry. This opportunity may come in the form of a book-publishing contract, a record deal, or a pitch meeting with a film or television studio. An entertainment Lawyer is able to assist you while you’re still in the infancy stage.  The lawyer helps to create an effective business structure to ensure that your effort is protected from the onset.

2. An Entertainment Lawyer will Review your contracts before signing

A classic example is the use of a traditional Band Agreement. This is a contract between individuals of a musical group that outlines matters such as who will own the songs composed by the band, how the profits will be divided, who will own the band’s name, the process of firing someone from the band, etc. These issues may cause significant legal concerns down the road if not addressed prior to signing an exclusive recording agreement. An entertainment Lawyer will guide you on how to choose the best method to protect your career regardless of the outcome. Most artistes only see the positive sides of contracts and the potentials for making millions. They are often blind to the fact that contracts envisage the potential for loss or bad risk. The lawyer helps you understand the potential for such risk and its long-term effect on your career.

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3. Your Entertainment Lawyer will negotiate on Your Behalf

When you are presented with a contract of any kind, an entertainment lawyer serves two very important functions. First, the attorney will analyze and explain the terms of the agreement in a way that is sensitive to your interest. (S)he will make appropriate recommendations to you on behalf of that interest. Information is power, and lacking this power can mean the difference between getting your fair shake and getting stiffed by an agreement. Subsequently, the lawyer will assist you in negotiating the terms of the agreement to optimally protect your rights and interests. A common myth is that a new talent is not in position to negotiate anything, and should simply feel fortunate to be given the offer in the first place. While it is true that a relatively unknown talent may not have the same negotiating power as a well-established one, the new talent is still in a position to negotiate many points of any agreement.

4. Entertainment Lawyers Can Help You Avoid Legal Problems

An entertainment lawyer also serves the important function of being a trusted advocate throughout your career. Unlike many professions, attorneys are bound by a strict code of ethical obligations that legally demand the highest level of professionalism and service. Like any business, the importance of placing your trust in the appropriate individuals cannot be overstated. Remember, it is always easier to be proactive, rather than retroactive when it comes to legal matters. Therefore it is highly advisable for entertainers to seek the guidance and counsel of an entertainment lawyer as early as possible in order to avoid legal problems in the future.

5. Musician Contract Drafting, Music Contract Review & Contract Negotiation

Contract Negotiations often require the services of a skilled lawyer.  Such contracts could include simple model agreements, complex film and music royalty contracts.  Lawyers work to ensure your rights are protected in all circumstances. These lawyers have the expertise and the ‘know-how’ to deal with all the legal issues that exist within such a complex and highly competitive industry. In Conclusion, success in the entertainment industry does not require a degree in Law. However long-term success in Acting, Music, Film or television business requires the use of supporting legal frameworks along the way. Your interest will always be protected by a lawyer.


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