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Protests mar Donald Trump’s first hours as President, demonstrators set limousine on fire

Protests mar Donald Trump’s first hours as President, demonstrators set limousine on fire

A limousine was left in ruins by protesters
A limousine was left in ruins by protesters

Donald Trump may have been sworn-in as the 45th President of the United States Friday afternoon, but that ceremony didn’t go without a handful of furious protesters flooding the streets.

Several anti-Trump protesters resisted law enforcement to demonstrate their displeasure at the new President that will call the shots for at least four years.

As Trump promised those who cared to listen during his inauguration that “America will start winning again, winning like never before. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth, and we will bring back our dreams,” thousands of protesters destroyed properties in various areas of the country.

Demonstrators stormed the streets of Washington, smashing windows and glasses belonging to shops and buildings.

A black limousine was also set on fire, with a footage shared on Twitter by Ryan Carey-Mahoney.

Police repelled the demonstrators with tear gas and stun grenades, and arrested close to a 100 persons.

Millions of people around the world have voiced concerns about the bombastic rhetoric Donald Trump based his campaign on, fearing he would give room for human rights abuse.

Scroll for more photos from the protests:


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